Visit Monaco

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Visit Monaco – the world’s second-smallest country with a big heart

Monaco may only be 200 hectares in size, but this second-smallest country (only the Vatican is smaller) makes up for its small size with plenty of attitude. The tiny country attracts the rich and famous and is known as one of the world’s most notorious tax havens. However, for us normal folk, Monaco is also home to one stage of the annual Formula One Grand Prix and several excellent attractions..

Monaco on the French Riviera

This tiny country sits on the French Riviera but isn’t known for its good looks. The famous Monte Carlo is chockfull of apartment blocks, high-rise hotels and super yachts. However, the rocky outcrop known as Le Rocher, which juts out on the southern side of the port, hosts a charming old town, home to the principality’s royal palace.

Monaco features a number of excellent attractions worthy of visiting or experiencing.

- Formula One Grand Prix

Formula One Grand Prix, Monaco

One of the greatest draws of Monaco is the annual Formula One Grand Prix. This motor racing championship for Formula One cars is on offer this year between March and December. Lovers of fast cars shouldn’t miss this opportunity while enjoying a Monaco Grand Prix driving experience through a number of host countries, including Monaco, which hosts the event on 29th May 2022.

- Casino de Monte Carlo

Casino de Monte Carlo, Monaco

Even if you don’t have money to spare, a look inside Monte Carlo’s legendary marble and gold casino is an essential experience. The casino is open to the public every morning, including the exclusive salons privés and is Europe's most lavish example of belle époque architecture.

- Musée Océanographique de Monaco

Musée Océanographique de Monaco
Image by Mr No/Wikimedia Commons

The world-renowned Musée Océanographique de Monaco stands dramatically on the edge of a cliff in Monaco. Its centerpiece is a aquarium, featuring a 20-ft lagoon where sharks and marine predators swim around, separated by a coral reef from colorful tropical fish. The aquarium also houses 90 tanks, featuring around 450 Mediterranean and tropical fish species.

Two huge, colonnaded rooms of the museum retrace the history of oceanography and marine biology with exhibits of photos, numerous specimens, old equipment and interactive displays.

- Jardin Exotique

Jardin Exotique is a botanic garden, hosting the world’s largest succulent and cactus collection. The gardens spread down the slopes of Moneghetti with a maze of paths, bridges and stairs. While visiting the gardens is beautiful in itself, the views are also spectacular.

Jardin Exotique, Monaco
Image by Jean-Pierre Dalbéra/Wikimedia Commons

Admission to the Jardin Exotique also includes a visit to the Musée d'Anthropologie, featuring prehistoric remains unearthed in Monaco, as well as a guided tour of the Grotte de l’Observatoire, a prehistoric cave lined with stalactites and stalagmites and which is the only cave in Europe where the temperature increases as you descend.

- Le Rocher, Monaco

Le Rocher (Monaco Ville), MonacoImage by Bernard Dupont/Wikimedia Commons

Le Rocher, or Monaco Ville, is the original old town of Monaco, featuring the original narrow and winding medieval lanes. The old town is set on a rock overlooking the sea with beautiful views. Visitors can access the views by ascending various staircases, including the Rampe Major, that starts from place d’Armes, close to the port.

Enjoy a tour of Monaco this summer, taking in its famous leg of the Formula One Grand Prix, as well as visiting these top class attractions.


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